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New Beginnings: October 22, 2017

Writer's picture: Meredith SwiftMeredith Swift

It's a New Day!

There is nothing like a new beginning to recharge and revitalize our lives. Whenever we embark on a new project or a new phase in our lives we might experience a range of different feelings - fear, expectancy, hesitation, excitement, joy or anticipation - which are like a shot of adrenaline into our veins. We feel more fully alive as we stand on the threshold of something that we might never have experienced before, with a hope that it will change our lives in some way for the better. We are hopeful for success and prepared to give it everything we have.

What is so different, then, in the new beginning that is experienced as we awaken to a new day each morning? How incredible is it, when we really stop and think about it, that we get to start our lives anew each day. Each morning God has custom ordered the brilliance of a sunrise to mark this fresh beginning. No two sunrises are ever the same, each one being a herald of a unique new opportunity that is upon us. The vividness and majesty of God's palette of colours bring a sense of joy as the sky is lit up and the darkness of night yields to the light of a new day dawning. This in itself is a most powerful starting point for each day, the acknowledgement that we have a mighty Creator who gives us this display of beauty as a promise of a new beginning. Yet how often do we take for granted that we have been given this promise of a new day! I know I take for granted that the sun will rise each day and I take for granted that my eyes will open after I have slept and I will be awake and alive for one more day. Today at church our pastor said we don't even have control over our next breath. And it is so very true! God has ordained a specific time for us to live on this earth and then we will die. We need to realise that each moment counts and is exceedingly precious, given to us by our Creator, for His glorification.

Gratitude for Each Precious Moment

Being grateful for this truth that each moment is precious is a very good starting point to making each day count. We are each created in God's image, with a specific plan and purpose for our life. Why, then, do we have those days where we are just going through the motions or filling in time? This is a poor attitude to have and one I am definitely guilty of. Usually this will occur if I am overwhelmed by too many demands on my time, too many emails cluttering up my inbox, too much of this or that. I reach a point where I am feeling so stuck and snowed under and so I will waste time deliberately to avoid addressing any of these demands. Like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand!

How much better would it be if I were to tackle this attitude of avoidance head on, by giving the demands and overwhelm to Jesus and to say to Him "Lord not my will but Yours? Please prune away those tasks that are not of You, create in me a clean heart to be obedient to You and to not get stuck in the demands and busyness of things that are not of You." And then allow the Holy Spirit to give the plan of action that will make the day I am in right now count. Acknowledge that the day I am in right now is precious and to be grateful for the gift of life, for that breath I am taking right now! Streamline and de-clutter thought processes and tasks so that simplicity and order can come, instead of complications and chaos. Put on some worship music, praise Him and pray. Clean up those emails (unsubscribe from any that are unnecessary), re-organise a drawer, attend to one or two items on that to do list. Spend quality time with loved ones instead of being distracted by the demands of social media. Streamline and bring in peace by being guided by the Holy Spirit and give the threat of overwhelm and powerlessness to Jesus. Our faithful Creator of the Universe is more than equipped to take this overwhelm away.

My Prayer

Lord Jesus - my prayer today is "Prune those distractions Lord that are not of You. Renew in my heart a spirit of making every moment count for you Lord and direct my steps so that my endeavours are worthy of You. I give you my feelings of being overwhelmed, knowing that You Lord will take my burdens from me. I thank You for the gift of life you have given me and I thank You for your sacrifice on the Cross so that my life could be lived in freedom with You. Let me be more like You. I want to know You more and to be close to You. I pray this in Your holy and mighty name - Jesus."


Psalm 61:1 Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. 2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy. 4 I will abide in your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings.


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